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Their Future is in Your Hands - 2025

In 2024, the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center saw over 8,000 patients come through our doors. These patients ranged from the tiniest baby Allen's Hummingbirds to the largest adult White Pelicans, from baby California Ground Squirrels to injured Northern Raccoons. Each and every patient receives the best care we can provide, which is only possible through the generous donations of our community.

Although we do receive some grants, we are not a government entity. Our funding comes almost entirely through public support. When you donate to the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center, you are having a positive, direct impact on our native wildlife. You help fund medical supplies, necessary care, and hundreds and hundreds of pounds of fish.

Will you help us help them? Their future is in your hands.

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Their Future is in Your Hands - 2025

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Raised out of $500,000

Their Future is in Your Hands - 2025

In 2024, the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center saw over 8,000 patients come through our doors. These patients ranged from the tiniest baby Allen's Hummingbirds to the largest adult White Pelicans, from baby California Ground Squirrels to injured Northern Raccoons. Each and every patient receives the best care we can provide, which is only possible through the generous donations of our community.

Although we do receive some grants, we are not a government entity. Our funding comes almost entirely through public support. When you donate to the Wetlands and Wildlife Care Center, you are having a positive, direct impact on our native wildlife. You help fund medical supplies, necessary care, and hundreds and hundreds of pounds of fish.

Will you help us help them? Their future is in your hands.

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